You set out to make a different kind of DnB....
... And boy did you! The transitions are almost seamless, such as those in a movie score. I could really see this being the background of a space-racing movie or something. Also, I have never heard a Newgrounds song go from 4/4 to cut time to 6/8 cut time, back to 4/4 cut time, and then back to 4/4! And I had to listen to it a few times to catch them all!
The varying melodies add a story-ish atmosphere, like the varying melodies are telling a story, and that story kicks ass! It reminds me of another great NG song (Buzztone Symphony by Dimrain47) in the way the melody changes so much.
The effects and mastery are wonderful! If the melodic contrast between all the parts wasn't enough, the varying filters and effects make them each unique. The Synths sound dark and heavy, then fast and light, then close and far away, and then the piano comes in and it sounds DIVINE.
P.S. It's much better than the Space Reggae :)